Monday, January 5, 2009

Awaiting a new experience

I depart from San Francisco International Airport tomorrow night at 11:30 pm. After a layover in Taipei for two hours I'll fly into Bali around 1:00 in the afternoon. After spending my Christmas vacation at home in the dry, sunny climate of Northern California, I'm a little leery of the incredibly high level of humidity that I'm sure will hit me as soon as I step off the plane in Indonesia.
Out of all the participants of this trip, I am sure that I am least qualified/experienced regarding the archaeological aspect, however I am still extremely excited. I am most looking forward to being introduced to a new domain without any prior exposure. The newness of it all will allow me to embrace the entire experience for what it is.
Apart from two weeks in Spain with my family, I have never spent time outside of North America. I am ready and eager for the introduction to a completely different culture, and to see all that I can learn. I am fully confident that this field school will be unique and can't wait to see the impact it has on myself and everyone else involved.

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